Booking reopen for 2026 in August of 2025

As a member of the  Dons of Arizona, i hereby subscribe to the following code of ethics and will, to the best of my ability


Discovery Camp

The Dons host a Discovery Camp for Arizona Third graders.  Discovery Camp is a one day field trip in the Superstition Mountain wilderness area located at the Dons Base Camp.  The content is aligned with Arizona Third Grade Social Studies curriculum.  There is no charge to the schools to attend Discovery Camp.  Everything is included.  Students must bring their own lunch.  Juice is provided by the Dons.  

Groups of students move through five stations plus a presentation at lunch by the Tonto National Forest. 

We Are Booked for 2025!


​For more than 75 years the Dons of Arizona has studied, preserved  and perpetuated the legends and lore of the Southwest.  We do this by  Discovery Camp as well as community activities.

  • Conduct Myself at all times in a courteous manner toward my fellow dons, donas, and our guests.
  • Support the tradition that the dons is a family club . 
  • Extent aid and sympathy to distressed fellow member and his/her family
  • serve my country, my community and  my fellow man 

Code Of Ethics

To learn more please see our about us page About by clicking here or a the top of the page ! 

We enjoy bringing 3rd grade Arizona students to our Base Camp in the Superstition Mountains.

They are just beginning to learn about Arizona history... click below to get invovled!

Please consider us for your future field trip by contacting us !  

Our Mission

October 2024

club activities start back up for 2024-2025 season 


Need Volunteers

for Work day December 28th 

February 2nd 2025

Adopt a Highway